20 Mar, 2024
Satan's goal is to erode the importance of family. Through love, prayer, and understanding, we can overcome separation.
16 Nov, 2023
Does it seem to you that God is slow in answering your prayers? Call out to God continuously and let Him know that you are certain that “even now” He can and will answer your prayers.
praying for wayward children scriptures
05 Oct, 2023
Prayers for Prodigals: 7 Promises in the Bible for Parents Experiencing Anxiety About the Prodigal Lives of Their Adult Children
prayers for prodigals path
29 Aug, 2023
Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing. Have faith that your prayers for prodigals will be granted.
praying for wayward children mustard seed
15 Aug, 2023
Rather than focusing on the desired outcome of your prayers, focus on growing your faith and trusting in Him.
19 Jul, 2023
Instead of always being the rescuer while praying for your prodigal, find a balance between showing love and allowing them to depend on Spirit.
praying for wayward children hammer
06 Jun, 2023
It can be easy to become hurt or upset when Father's Day comes and the phone doesn't ring, but your prayers are working.
praying for wayward children breaking bondage
03 Feb, 2023
I felt a desire to write this bondage-breaking prayer based upon God’s promises, which are always powerful.
praying for prodigals empty chair
24 Dec, 2022
If someone you love is missing this holiday, there might be an empty place in your heart and at the table: here is how to not let it steal your joy.


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